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Every day teachers build lessons, units, semesters, and school years around a narrative structure. But did you know that these strategies also make sense from an evolutionary perspective as well?
Star Wars, Christmas, and Constraints on Secular Influence
Why are cultural institutions like Christmas and Star Wars so popular? The answer may provide insight into human nature’s impulse towards supernatural explanation.
God Is Watching You: How the Fear of God Makes Us Human
Read an excerpt from Dominic Johnson's new book 'God is Watching You' where he presents a new theory of the origins and evolution of not only religion, but also human cooperation and society, and explores how fear of supernatural punishment exists within and outside of religious contexts.
An interview with a pioneer anthropologist and primatologistThe latest installment of “On the Origin of HBES: An Oral History,” focuses on Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, an anthropologist and primatologist who has made major contributions to sociobiology and related disciplines.
Did Human Evolution Favor Individualists or Altruists?
Rand's mistake was in essentializing the distinction between "individualist freedom" vs. "collectivist tyranny" and then transporting it into our human past.