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Past Events:

April 30, 2023

EvoS Seminar Series: Hormones in Milk, Primarily Cortisol, and Impacts on Infant Development

Free seminar talk with Q&A

April 17, 2023

EvoS Seminar Series: Technological Origins: Behavioral Evolution Across the Plio-Pleistocene

Free seminar talk with Q&A

April 10, 2023

Prosocial Commons Book Club: How Indigenous Thinking Can Change the World

ProSocial Commons Book Club: Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Change the World, by Tyson Yunkaporta

April 6, 2023


April 5, 2023

ProSocial in the Workplace A ProSocial Commons Learning-to-Action Group

April 5, 2023

Research Seminar Series: Dual Inheritance Theory and a Theoretical Examination of the Symbotype-Phenotype Relationship - Part 2

Free Seminar and Q&A

April 4, 2023

Child Development & Learning Meeting

March 31, 2023

Seminar: Embracing Interdependence: Toward a Multi-Level Theory of Coordinated Change with Jody Hoffer Gittell

Free seminar and Q&A sponsored by the ProSocial Commons

March 30, 2023

ProSocial Commons Welcome & Introductions

March 29, 2023

Research Seminar Series: Dual Inheritance Theory and a Theoretical Examination of the Symbotype-Phenotype Relationship - Part 1

Free Seminar and Q&A

March 27, 2023

EvoS Seminar Series: Time Travel in Experimental Evolution

Free seminar talk with Q&A

March 24, 2023

Seminar: Becoming Prosocial From the Inside Out: Adapting Prosocial Applications for Young People Using a Multilevel Framework That Nests the Individual in Their Group

Free seminar and Q&A sponsored by the ProSocial Commons

March 23, 2023

ProSocial in the Workplace A ProSocial Commons Learning-to-Action Group

Free Introductory Meeting for ProSocial in the Workplace, a new Prosocial Commons Learning-to-Action Group

March 20, 2023

EvoS Seminar Series: Evolution of Sociality and Multilevel Selection (including spiders)

Free seminar talk with Q&A

March 17, 2023

Seminar: Integrating Principles and Practices for Healthy Power-Sharing with Cecile Green

Free seminar and Q&A session sponsored by the ProSocial Commons

March 16, 2023

Examined Lives: Positive Evolutionary Psychology (Session 30)

In our next Examined Lives on Positive Evolutionary Psychology we will explore what evolutionary psychology has to tell us about happiness.

March 13, 2023

EvoS Seminar Series: Trade-offs That Shape Our Genomes: Surviving Starvation and Microbes

Free seminar talk with Q&A

March 9, 2023

Seminar: "Interspirituality" and Upshifting Global Prosocial Behavior with Kurt Johnson

Free seminar and Q&A session sponsored by the ProSocial Commons

March 2, 2023

Seminar: The Forever Green Partnership: A Multi-level System for Regional Diversification of Agriculture with Nick Jordan

Free seminar and Q&A session sponsored by the ProSocial Commons

March 2, 2023

Child Development and Education Learning-to-Action Group Introductory Meeting

Intro Meeting for Child Development and Education from an Evolutionary Perspective: a new “Learning-to-Action” group

February 17, 2023

Seminar: Music, Pleasure, and Culture: Soundly Organized People in a Musically Organized Hunter-Gatherer Civilization with Jerome Lewis

Free seminar and Q&A session sponsored by the ProSocial Commons

February 16, 2023

Examined Lives: Dual Inheritance Theory (Session 29)

In humans, genes and culture are intertwined streams of inheritance. Ours is a story of Dual Inheritance.

February 9, 2023

Seminar: The Role of Cooperation in the Evolution of Cooperatives with Tim Waring

Free seminar and Q&A sponsored by the ProSocial Commons

February 3, 2023

Seminar: Egalitarian Societies with Jerome Lewis

Free 1 hour seminar with Q&A

January 29, 2023

A New Economic Paradigm for People and Planet

Can we re-define and re-design economics to respond more effectively to the complex collective challenges facing us now, and in the future?

January 27, 2023

Seminar: Facing the Dark History of Evolutionary Science: The Role of the Individual in Learning How to Evolve on Purpose with Steven C. Hayes

Free seminar and Q&A

January 26, 2023

Seminar: The State of Prosocial World with David Sloan Wilson

Free Seminar and Q&A from President David Sloan Wilson

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