Seminar: "Interspirituality" and Upshifting Global Prosocial Behavior with Kurt Johnson

Friday, March 10 6pm ET / 11pm UTC

ProSocial Commons

Kurt Johnson

Free seminar and Q&A session sponsored by the ProSocial Commons

Watch the Recording here:

"Interspirituallity" is part of the "great intersubjective discussion" the world so desperately needs but to a great extent has never had. Science is a part of this discussion, as to how reality is experienced, observed, and described. ProSocial is especially part of this discussion as its goal is to promulgate prosocial behavior -- and behavior is greatly effected by the stories we tell and accept. Br. Wayne Teasdale, who originated the word "interspirituality" is famous for saying "The only viable religion for the Third Millennium is spirituality itself" and by that he meant the deepest of subjective, and objective, experience that lead to prosocial behavior. Let's explore the challenges, and assets, we share in navigating this directive.

Dr. Kurt Johnson (, has worked in professional science and comparative religion over 40 years. A prominent figure on international committees, particularly at the United Nations, he author or co-author of several influential and award-winning books: Our Moment of Choice (2020) (Gold Nautilus and COVR Awards), The Coming Interspiritual Age (2013), Nabokov’s Blues (2000) and Fine Lines (2015) (Brian Boyd Prize, 2019). Kurt has served on the faculty of New York’s Interfaith Seminary for 12 years and, for 25 years, was associated there with the American Museum of Natural History. He is host for the Convergence series on VoiceAmerica, publisher of three magazines: The Convergence, Light on Light, and Conscious Business and is a founder of the Light on Light Press. A partner in UNITY EARTH, Kurt is ordained, or certified, in five religious traditions. He has a PhD in Evolution and Ecology and is author of over 200 scientific articles and seven technical books. A former monastic, is he a member or founder of the Evolutionary Leaders, Association of Transformational Leaders, international Contemplative Alliance, Gaiafield and Subtle Activism Networks, Self Care to Earth Care network, UN NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns, NGO Forum 21 Institute, the UN Committee for International Yoga Day, and is President of the Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Links to material that can be read beforehand: