Research Seminar Series: Dual Inheritance Theory and a Theoretical Examination of the Symbotype-Phenotype Relationship - Part 1

Wednesday March 29th at 12pm ET

ProSocial Research

Sage Gibbons
David Sloan Wilson

Free Seminar and Q&A

Abstract: Dual Inheritance Theory (DIT) calls attention to a cultural stream of inheritance in our species, along with the genetic stream of inheritance that exists in all species. The term originated for the formal study of cultural evolution, but there is a vast amount of relevant information from other disciplines that needs to be consulted and integrated from an evolutionary perspective.

Part I of this two-part series will begin the task of integration by providing a broad overview of concepts and methodologies.

Part II on 4/5/23 of this series will develop the concept of symbotypes and its practical applications. As the cultural analog of genotypes, symbotypes deserve to be a key concept within DIT but it is under-developed, especially at the micro-scale of individuals and multi-symbotype communities. This is where Contextual Behavioral Science, ACT, and Relational Frame Theory can make a major contribution.

About the Speakers:

Part I on 3/29/23: Sage Gibbons works as both Scientific Researcher and Strategic Technology Manager at ProSocial World. He applies participatory action research methods and cultural evolutionary science to facilitate community partners in becoming more cooperative, adaptive, and successful in their aims. He is also dedicated to the development of open, interoperable, and prosocial technology.He has recently completed his Masters of Science in Urban Informatics at Northeastern University where he studied the city of Boston as a complex adaptive system as a researcher with the [Boston Area Research Initiative].Connect with Sage at

Part II on 4/5/23: David Sloan Wilson is one of the foremost evolutionary thinkers and gifted communicator about evolution to the general public. He is SUNY Distinguished Professor of Biology and Anthropology Emeritus at Binghamton University and President of the nonprofit organization Prosocial World, whose mission is "To consciously evolve a world that works for all".  His most recent books are This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution, Prosocial: Using Evolutionary Science to Build Productive, Equitable, and Collaborative Groups (with Paul Atkins and Steven C. Hayes), and his first novel, Atlas Hugged: The Autobiography of John Galt III.