David Sloan Wilson is president of ProSocial World and SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biology and Anthropology at Binghamton University. He applies evolutionary theory to all aspects of humanity in addition to the rest of life, through Prosocial World and in his own research and writing. A complete archive of his work is available at www.David SloanWilson.world. His most recent books include his first novel, Atlas Hugged: The Autobiography of John Galt III, and a memoir, A Life Informed by Evolution.
Systems scientist, cultural historian, and futurist Riane Eisler will address the urgent question of why despite some forward movement, there have been so many regressions to authoritarianism, violence, and domination worldwide.
There are many sectors of the economy where for-benefit corporations are a better structure than either for-profit corporations and not-for-profit corporations as currently structured.
The failure of laissez-faire and centralized planning, revealing the need for the Third Way of entrepreneurship and all other forms of positive social change, should exist at all scales of governance.
Positive systemic change must be the target of selection. Alternative social practices must be oriented toward the target of selection.
Words such as “science” and “experiment” mean different things to different people. Here is what we mean by these two words and how our organization, ProSocial World, puts them into action.
What’s needed is a modern framework for completing the Darwinian revolution for philosophy and all other human-related disciplines.
A new project in Latin America draws upon an unexpected source of insight: Darwin’s theory of evolution.
A conversation with Prof. Nicholas R. Jordan, founder of Forever Green which is one of the most ambitious efforts to transition from conventional farming practices to regenerative agriculture
Fiction has a way of communicating a moral ideal better than dry intellectual prose.