I'm an evolutionary geneticist, working mainly with plants, and studying how ecological processes like environmental stresses and interactions between species shape patterns of biological diversity. I've studied the hyper-specialized pollination mutualism between Joshua trees and yucca moths and adaptation to climate and symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in barrel medick, a Mediterranean wildflower related to alfalfa. I'm currently working to understand the evolutionary resilience of lodgepole pine and interior spruce in North America as part of the AdapTree Project at the University of British Columbia. I've also done original research on LGBTQ experiences in scientific careers, and I've written about evolution, ecology, and human diversity for ScientificAmerican.com, the LA Review of Books, and the Awl.
Discovery has made a genome-sequencing error into Star Trek canon. But it's hardly out of line with what came before. As much as it pains this Trekkie biologist to admit, the franchise has long had a fairly shaky grasp on the details of genetics and biological evolution.
Evolutionary biologists are scientific storytellers and we must acknowledge the power in the stories we tell.