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is a collective pseudonym for the group of people organizing this collection of essays.
In the spirit of the Federalist Papers, Publius is a collective pseudonym for the group of people organizing this collection of essays.
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May 1, 2020
Darwinizing the Federalist Papers: Epilogue
This epilogue provides key references for you to deepen your knowledge, including the academic literature, a rapidly expanding genre of books accessible to the general reader, and authoritative online content.
Evolutionary theory leads to a conception of socialism—governance for the common good—that works. It also explains why many attempts at socialism in the past and present have not worked.
The checks and balances built into the U.S. Constitution and the invisible hand of the market must be supplemented by the insights of evolutionary theory.
The Darwinian ‘Struggle for Existence’ is Really About Balance
Darwin made it clear that the term "struggle for existence" was not to be taken literally but should rather be understood in a large and metaphorical sense.
The Human Social Organism and a Parliament of Genes
Ten thousand years of cultural evolution has impressively expanded the scale of human cooperation to levels that could not have been imagined by our distant ancestors.
Every animal society experiences the same tension between the need to cooperate to achieve collective benefits and the disruptive pursuit of lower-level interests.
The Federalist Papers argued for the creation of a more perfect UNION based on Enlightenment values that predated Darwin. Here we add 200+ years of scientifically refined thought.