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February 3, 2018

Evolution Institute project Seshat on New Scientist: The database that is rewriting history to predict the future

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January 29, 2018

Evolution as a Problem Solver in Computer Science

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January 19, 2018

Constructing Our Niches: Introducing the Importance of Cooperation and Ultimate Vs. Proximate Design Features

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January 12, 2018

Religious Epigenetics

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January 4, 2018

Grand challenges for the study of cultural evolution published in Nature

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January 4, 2018

Are Modern Businesses a Mismatch?

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January 3, 2018

Does Natural Selection Explain Why You Exist?

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January 2, 2018

Peter Turchin for Bloomberg: Blame Rich, Overeducated Elites as Society Frays

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January 2, 2018

What Does it Mean to be Multicellular?

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