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June 19, 2017

Deconstructing Niche Construction: A Conversation between Gordon Burghardt and Kevin Laland

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June 9, 2017

Marketing Evolution Webinar: It's the List, Stupid!

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May 31, 2017

TVOL1000 Profile: Kathryn Coe

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May 29, 2017

Constructing Our Niches: How Evolutionary Theory Is Useful for the Building Industry

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May 24, 2017

The Evolution of Language and its Speakers

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May 22, 2017

Challenging Chomsky and his Challengers: Brian Boyd Interviews Daniel Dor

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May 16, 2017

Holding Hands is More Important Than You Think

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May 8, 2017

How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog)

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May 3, 2017

Learning from Religion about Social Cells

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