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August 24, 2016

Memetic Isolation and Cultural Speciation: An important strategy for intentional community development?

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August 24, 2016

Why Chimpanzees don’t stereotype, we do, and whales might

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August 24, 2016

Environmental Sociology and the Second Darwinian Revolution

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August 8, 2016

Darwin’s Bridge to the Humanities: An Interview with Joseph Carroll

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August 7, 2016

Why Do We Watch and What Are We Watching? An Evolutionary Perspective on the Olympics

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August 2, 2016

Game, Set but no Match: what evolutionary theory reveals about marriage and its effect on sporting performance

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July 21, 2016

Religion through an Evolutionary Lens: A Conversation about Dominic Johnson’s “God is Watching You”

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July 19, 2016

Revolutionary biology: Evolutionary biology and ecology of cancer summer school supports a growing field

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July 11, 2016

When the Strong Outbreed the Weak: An Interview with William Muir

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