Subrena Smith recently argued that “evolutionary psychology, as it is currently understood, is…impossible."
Evolutionary psychologists have not shown that there are specific psychological programs that are written in the genetic foundation of our species. This is the challenge they must meet.
In The Enigma of Reason, Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber crack the code on one of the greatest evolutionary mysteries of all time.
This Special Edition features a diverse collection of articles on evolutionary psychology by proponents, critics, and scientists, with the aim to clarify the subject for everyone, from experts to the general public.
How our deep evolutionary past still shapes our modern tastes, desires, and aversions.
Our Stone Age brains never had or needed a way to process written symbolic language.
Jonathan Haidt analyzes the shortcomings of human reasoning and bets $10,000 that Harris will not be swayed by reason alone.The New Atheist Sam Harris recently offered to pay $10,000 to anyone who can disprove his arguments about morality. Jonathan Haidt analyzes the nature of reasoning, and the ease with which reason becomes a servant of the passions. He bets $10,000 that Harris will not change his mind.
Why our moral psychology makes it difficult to teach ethics.I give a brief overview of an evolutionary approach to moral psychology in which people are mostly concerned about appearances and reputation, rather than actually doing the right thing. I explain why this complex psychology makes it difficult to teach ethics to anyone. Yet an understanding of the origins and mechanisms of moral cognition open the way for us to do (and teach) “<a href="">ethical systems design</a>,” a way of working with human nature and setting up environments that lead to better ethical behavior.
Kevin Williamson writing at <em>The National Review</em> believes that Romney should get "100 percent" of the female vote. Why? Good question...Kevin Williamson writing at <em>The National Review</em> believes that Romney should get "100 percent" of the female vote. Why? Good question...
Are we stuck with war? ETVOL reviews select contributions to the Science special issue on Human Conflict.Warfare and human nature seem inextricably linked. But what do we mean by “human nature,” and what evidence would we require as proof that warfare is an indelible feature of the human condition?
New research suggests that in wartime, people tend to prefer leaders with older looking faces.Brian R. Spisak argues that ancestrally, older age tended to come with greater status, rank, and dominance, which are traits that would have correlated with success in battle.
“We may be through with the past, but the past ain’t through with us.”There are many criticisms of the evolutionary view of human nature, and most of these have been the subject of ongoing debate and commentary. In this series of posts, of which this is the first installment, I will address one of the most pervasive objections, particularly among secular humanists and even some scientists: the notion that we’re telling “just-so stories” about human nature.