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The Case for Adding Darwin to Behavioral Economics

As behavioral economics continues to evolve, it would profit from adopting an even broader interdisciplinary perspective.

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February 4, 2020

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In the Eye of the Beholder: Parochial Altruism, Radicalization, and Extremism

Zoey Reeve
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January 30, 2020

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Extremist Violence Has Its Roots in Morality, Not Ideology

The ideology behind extremist violence looks remarkably like the “moral sentiments” of empathy, indignation, and shame that are presumed to confer fitness advantages in human social interactions.
Clark McCauley
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January 29, 2020

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Dugnad as Part of Norway's Culture of Cooperation: A Conversation with Carsta Simon and Hilde Mobekk

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January 28, 2020

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Is Evolutionary Psychology Impossible?

Subrena Smith recently argued that “evolutionary psychology, as it is currently understood, is…impossible."
Edward Hagen
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January 21, 2020

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Conservative Extremists Are Afraid of Threats That Don't Exist

Crucially, the pattern of heightened reactivity and credulity toward potential threats characteristic of the conservative mind is not associated with fearfulness or timidity, but with confidence in the ability to triumph through force.
Colin Holbrook
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January 15, 2020

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Why Evolutionary Psychology (Probably) Isn’t Possible

Evolutionary psychologists have not shown that there are specific psychological programs that are written in the genetic foundation of our species. This is the challenge they must meet.
Subrena E. Smith
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December 31, 2019

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Why Extremism Isn’t the Real Issue

On a global scale, mismatches between ethnic identity and nation-states have caused more death and suffering than any variety of extremism.
Mark Sedgwick
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December 22, 2019

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Beyond Individualism

The hardest thing for a fish to see is water. This adage aptly expresses the difficulty we have understanding our own cultures. We spot the foibles of other cultures--even our own cultures in the past--but are blind to our current foibles.
David Sloan Wilson
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December 18, 2019

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Extremism as Defense

The attempt to solve a problem by destroying its source remains an eternal aspect of the human condition.
Rose McDermott
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December 11, 2019

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The Virtue of Extremism is its Enhancement of the Ordinary

To better understand extremism, we need to look not only at the evils perpetrated but also at the admirable aspects of ourselves.
David Barash
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December 4, 2019

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Extremism in Historical and Evolutionary Perspective

A new and important change is occurring in the history of political violence which suggests that insights from genetic as well as cultural evolution may prove fruitful.
Anthony Lopez
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October 21, 2019

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Peter Gray on Education as a Biological Phenomenon, Learning from Hunter-Gatherers, and Letting Children Lead

Peter Gray
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Listen to the Podcast:

August 16, 2020

Positive Deviance as the Third Way: A Conversation with David K. Hurst

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August 16, 2020

A Tale of Two Evolutionary Processes, with Rita Colwell

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August 10, 2020

The Third Way of Entrepreneurship with Victor Hwang

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August 9, 2020

Peter J. Richerson: Morality from an Evolutionary Perspective

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August 4, 2020

[BONUS EPISODE] Geoffrey Hodgson on Evolutionary Thinking and Its Policy Implications for Modern Capitalism

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August 2, 2020

Morality from an Evolutionary Perspective with Simon Blackburn

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July 30, 2020

The Nordic Third Way with Nina Witoszek and Atle Midttun

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July 13, 2020

Ecosystems are Probably Not What You Think: A Conversation with Tom Whitham

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July 6, 2020

Development and the Third Way with Scott Peters

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There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.

- Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species (1859)
Special Collection

Evolutionary Science in Joyce’s Ulysses

James Joyce developed a writing technique that mirrored advances in the evolutionary science of his day and these insights are present in his novel. To explore this link, we can begin by looking at the most direct references to evolution science. Amidst the range of references to cultural figures in Ulysses, Charles Darwin makes a number of appearances, most notably in the fourteenth chapter, Oxen of the Sun.

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