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The Case for Adding Darwin to Behavioral Economics

As behavioral economics continues to evolve, it would profit from adopting an even broader interdisciplinary perspective.

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December 22, 2017

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Scientific Historians Find Common Pathway in Complex Social Formations Shared by Every Region around the Globe

Understanding how we got to our modern world is the critical first step in showing us where we are heading; a new article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences offers new answers to these critical questions, taking a systematic, scientific look at how complex societies from around the world have developed over the last 10,000 years.
Evolution Institute
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December 22, 2017

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Thinking Clearly About Collective Intelligence: A Conversation with Geoff Mulgan about his new book Big Mind

A conversation with Geoff Mulgan, founder of the think tank Demos and current chief executive of Nesta, the UK’s National Endowment for Science, on his new book "Big Mind: How Collective Intelligence Can Change Our World".
Geoff Mulgan
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December 22, 2017

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The Chain That Links Science to Story

Evolutionary theory offers a remarkably rich and beautiful story about how we came to be, but as of yet this story has not been told compellingly enough to reach beyond the halls of academia.
Maximus Thaler
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December 21, 2017

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Writing Evolution into Humanist Manifesto IV

It is the essence of Humanism to take responsibility for improving the human condition, using science and reason as our guides.
David Sloan Wilson
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December 6, 2017

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Solving Friction with Fiction: Cooperation, Co-ordination, and the Evolution of Hunter-Gatherer Storytelling

Storytelling may help to solve problems of co-ordination in hunter-gatherer societies in order to promote cooperation.
Daniel Smith
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December 4, 2017

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Truth-Telling and the Power of Norms

It is easy to imagine modern society falling apart due to the collapse of truth-telling norms. Nevertheless, thinking about norms from an evolutionary perspective provides grounds for hope.
David Sloan Wilson
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November 28, 2017

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Why Physics Needs Darwin: An Interview with John Campbell

Darwinian theories have been proposed to explain the evolution of complexity not just in genetics and biology but also in cosmology and quantum physics.
Michael Price
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November 13, 2017

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Sexual Bullying and the Power of Norms

What previously was tolerated, if not actually approved, has become inadmissible, like imposing physical harm and theft of property. A norm is being created and enforced, much more strongly than before.
David Sloan Wilson
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November 7, 2017

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Eye Origins: How Evolution Could Produce a Sophisticated Eye

Each eye is beautiful and elegant in its own right, and each eye we look at offers us a new way to appreciate the wonders of evolution.
Ubadah Sabbagh
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November 1, 2017

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Constructing Our Niches: Evolution’s Relevance to Modern Human Society

Human behaviors, the physical objects we create and use, as well as their associated intellectual traditions are part of our collective toolkit for adapting to the larger social/cultural and physical environments we live within.
Marcel J. Harmon
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October 23, 2017

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How Star Trek: Discovery Gets Genetics Wrong, But Is Still Worth Watching Anyway

Discovery has made a genome-sequencing error into Star Trek canon. But it's hardly out of line with what came before. As much as it pains this Trekkie biologist to admit, the franchise has long had a fairly shaky grasp on the details of genetics and biological evolution.
Jeremy Yoder
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October 18, 2017

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TVOL1000 Profile: Alice Andrews

When Alice Andrews' evolutionary imagination gets going, it tries to understand the root of our problems in order to most efficiently aid in solving them.
Evolution Institute
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Listen to the Podcast:

August 16, 2020

Positive Deviance as the Third Way: A Conversation with David K. Hurst

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August 16, 2020

A Tale of Two Evolutionary Processes, with Rita Colwell

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August 10, 2020

The Third Way of Entrepreneurship with Victor Hwang

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August 9, 2020

Peter J. Richerson: Morality from an Evolutionary Perspective

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August 4, 2020

[BONUS EPISODE] Geoffrey Hodgson on Evolutionary Thinking and Its Policy Implications for Modern Capitalism

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August 2, 2020

Morality from an Evolutionary Perspective with Simon Blackburn

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July 30, 2020

The Nordic Third Way with Nina Witoszek and Atle Midttun

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July 13, 2020

Ecosystems are Probably Not What You Think: A Conversation with Tom Whitham

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July 6, 2020

Development and the Third Way with Scott Peters

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There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.

- Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species (1859)
Special Collection

Evolutionary Science in Joyce’s Ulysses

James Joyce developed a writing technique that mirrored advances in the evolutionary science of his day and these insights are present in his novel. To explore this link, we can begin by looking at the most direct references to evolution science. Amidst the range of references to cultural figures in Ulysses, Charles Darwin makes a number of appearances, most notably in the fourteenth chapter, Oxen of the Sun.

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