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The Case for Adding Darwin to Behavioral Economics

As behavioral economics continues to evolve, it would profit from adopting an even broader interdisciplinary perspective.

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October 28, 2018

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Territoriality in Sports

Signaling territoriality of home-playing athletes might contribute to the home advantage.
Philip Furley
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October 9, 2018

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Saving Social Constructivism

Social constructivism is on trial for being an academic fraud. Can it be rescued and does it have valid points to make about science after all?
David Sloan Wilson
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September 27, 2018

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The Obstetrical Dilemma, Dismantled: Human Childbirth is Not a Dilemma

Rather than being evicted from the womb before their heads are too big, a new hypothesis argues that human babies are born when their growth rates become too costly for their mothers’ metabolism to support.
Michelle Rodrigues
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September 12, 2018

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Constructing Our Niches: The Application of Evolutionary Theory to the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Industry

The architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry has the ability to mindfully orchestrate the direction our built environments push us with regards to climate change, occupant wellbeing, and the evolution of life on this planet. But it requires we construct our “niches” in a manner that consistently provides environments aligned with our individual and group level needs, including long term needs associated with social stability and environmental sustainability.
Marcel J. Harmon
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September 10, 2018

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The Evolution of Emergent Computation

Many systems in nature consist of a large number of relatively simple units that interact only locally, and without a central control, yet the system as a whole can produce intricate globally coordinated behaviors.
Wim Hordijk
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August 16, 2018

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Attention Teachers! How To Turn Your Classes Into Prosocial Groups

ProSocial.World, a project by David Sloan Wilson, is a practical method for improving the efficacy of groups and wellbeing of their members. Why not use the method in our own college classes?
David Sloan Wilson
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July 26, 2018

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Mismatch: An Interview with Mark van Vugt

Human psychology evolved over millions of years in relatively stable environments in small-scale communities. But, in the modern world, evolutionary mismatch can occur where a trait adapted for one environment is out of place where we live today.
Gareth Craze
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July 16, 2018

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The Evolutionary Roots of Irrationality

Homo Economicus is perhaps nothing more than an illusion. Instead, the mirror that behavioral economics and evolutionary psychology put in front of us shows us our real selves, social norms and irrational behavior included.
Wim Hordijk
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July 15, 2018

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Humanizing Corporations: A Nobel Prize for Enlightened Business Leaders

How Per L. Saxegaard's (Business for Peace Foundation) efforts to humanize corporations can be understood from a multilevel evolutionary perspective.
Per L. Saxegaard
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July 9, 2018

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Sex Roles Are Flexible in Chimpanzees and Bonobos. What Does That Say About Human Evolution?

A new study shows that chimpanzees and bonobos are far more similar in their gender roles than previously thought. In order to understand the range of complexity in our evolutionary cousins’ social lives, perhaps we first need to recognize the range of complexity that exists in our own.
Michelle Rodrigues
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June 28, 2018

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Evolution Institute Announcement for Participation in Behavior Science Coalition

TheEvolution Institute (EI) has joined five other behavioral science organizations to advance society’s use of behavioral science knowledge and methods.
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June 25, 2018

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ProWocial World Receives Grant from Templeton World Charity Foundation

David Sloan Wilson
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Listen to the Podcast:

June 29, 2020

The Third Way in the Internet Age with Tim O’Reilly

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June 22, 2020

Smart Cities and the Third Way with Dan O'Brien

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June 15, 2020

Libertarianism and the Third Way

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June 15, 2020

Science as a Moral System with Robert T. Pennock

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June 11, 2020

Economics, Public Policy, and the Third Way

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June 4, 2020

Socialism, Capitalism, and the Third Way of National Governance

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May 24, 2020

Pragmatism and the Third Way with Trygve Throntveit

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May 23, 2020

Evolving the Future of Corporations: A Conversation with Toby Shannan

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May 5, 2020

Tightening and Loosening Up for the Coronavirus Pandemic with Michele Gelfand

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There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.

- Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species (1859)
Special Collection

Evolutionary Science in Joyce’s Ulysses

James Joyce developed a writing technique that mirrored advances in the evolutionary science of his day and these insights are present in his novel. To explore this link, we can begin by looking at the most direct references to evolution science. Amidst the range of references to cultural figures in Ulysses, Charles Darwin makes a number of appearances, most notably in the fourteenth chapter, Oxen of the Sun.

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