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The Case for Adding Darwin to Behavioral Economics

As behavioral economics continues to evolve, it would profit from adopting an even broader interdisciplinary perspective.

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October 7, 2013

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Tribal Social Instincts, Gene-culture Co-evolution, And Business

Organizational management is about shaping the norms and institutions of quasi-tribal groups so that they work better. Pete Richerson argues that much of what organizational management amounts to is trying to shape the norms and institutions of quasi-tribal groups so that they work better.
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October 5, 2013

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The Festival of Bad Ad Hoc Hypotheses (BAH!)

A celebration of well-argued and thoroughly researched but completely incorrect evolutionary theory.
Hadassah Head
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October 1, 2013

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West Antarctica Gets a Raise

From studying the nearby ocean sediments, scientists concluded that West Antarctica could have been hundreds of meters higher in elevation than it is today.
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September 25, 2013

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Is Evolutionary Psychology WEIRD Or NORMAL?

Does evolutionary psychology misrepresent human nature?
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September 24, 2013

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Freshwater Species Were Able to Outlive Marine Species After Dinosaur Mass Extinction

Robertson et. al proposes methods by which freshwater organisms were able to survive at higher rates than their marine counterparts.
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September 23, 2013

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Hive Psychology At Google

How and why people join fraternities, sports teams, and companies. When I was invited to give an Authors@Google talk in 2012, I thought it made sense to talk about “hive psychology.” Google is a very hivish place – and I mean that in a good way.
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September 17, 2013

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Sears Ignores The Invisible Band

Lampert’s ideology prevented him from seeing that he was destroying the invisible <em>band.</em>
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September 17, 2013

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Religion, Intolerance, And Conflict

A groundbreaking anthology bringing together leading evolutionary and non-evolutionary scholars.
Michael Blume
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September 11, 2013

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Making The Right Mistakes: Error Management And The Evolution Of Errors

An evolutionary perspective on psychological biases tells a very different story about decision making.If we have learned anything from recent years in the behavioral sciences, it is that humans have numerous but systematic psychological biases that steer our judgment and decision-making away from what one might expect if we were even-handed in weighing up costs, benefits and probabilities.
Daniel Blumstein
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September 5, 2013

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Welcome To The New Business Section

Why business? What does evolution have to contribute to the study or conduct of business?Welcome to the new business section of This View of Life. My name is Jon Haidt, and I’m a social psychologist and professor of business ethics at the NYU-Stern School of Business.
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September 5, 2013

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Would Abandoning Moral Foundations Make For A Better Society?

Are there ‘bad’ kinds of moralizing?Are there ‘bad’ kinds of moralizing? If so, does understanding morality as the product of evolutionary processes (of the biological and cultural kind) reveal why ‘bad’ moralizing has so persistently existed and allow us to sort out the ‘bad’ from the ‘good’?
Mark Sloan
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August 27, 2013

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Demystifying Conodont Mouthparts

A new study debunks some of the long-pondered mysteries surrounding the ancient chompers of conodonts.
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Listen to the Podcast:

June 29, 2020

The Third Way in the Internet Age with Tim O’Reilly

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June 22, 2020

Smart Cities and the Third Way with Dan O'Brien

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June 15, 2020

Libertarianism and the Third Way

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June 15, 2020

Science as a Moral System with Robert T. Pennock

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June 11, 2020

Economics, Public Policy, and the Third Way

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June 4, 2020

Socialism, Capitalism, and the Third Way of National Governance

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May 24, 2020

Pragmatism and the Third Way with Trygve Throntveit

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May 23, 2020

Evolving the Future of Corporations: A Conversation with Toby Shannan

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May 5, 2020

Tightening and Loosening Up for the Coronavirus Pandemic with Michele Gelfand

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There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.

- Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species (1859)
Special Collection

Evolutionary Science in Joyce’s Ulysses

James Joyce developed a writing technique that mirrored advances in the evolutionary science of his day and these insights are present in his novel. To explore this link, we can begin by looking at the most direct references to evolution science. Amidst the range of references to cultural figures in Ulysses, Charles Darwin makes a number of appearances, most notably in the fourteenth chapter, Oxen of the Sun.

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