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The Case for Adding Darwin to Behavioral Economics

As behavioral economics continues to evolve, it would profit from adopting an even broader interdisciplinary perspective.

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December 16, 2012

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Does History Cycle?

The reason you have ups and downs in dynamical systems is that there are internal feedback loops.
Peter Turchin
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December 16, 2012

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Human Rites

Rituals bind us, in modern societies and prehistoric tribes alike. But can our loyalties stretch to all of humankind?
Harvey Whitehouse
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December 13, 2012

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Origin Of Life: New Study Spotlights Not Chemistry But How Living Things Store, Process Information

Scientists trying to unravel the mystery of life's origins have been looking at it the wrong way, a new study argues.
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December 12, 2012

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New Ideas About the Evolution of Homosexuality

How do you explain homosexuality?
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December 10, 2012

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Culture: the Engine of Human Adaptation

Social Learning Leads to Our Greatest Achievements and Worst Errors.
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December 10, 2012

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Scientists Discover Children’s Cells Living in Mothers’ Brains

The connection between mother and child is ever deeper than thought.
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December 9, 2012

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The Gospel of Wealth Fails the Inequity Test in Primates

Darwin understood that competition was an important factor in evolution, but it wasn’t the only factor.
Eric Michael Johnson
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December 7, 2012

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Basketball Isn’t a Sport. It’s a Statistical Network

Sabermetrics, for those who haven’t seen Moneyball, is the objective analysis of baseball using game stats.
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December 5, 2012

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City Birds Use Cigarette Butts To Smoke Out Parasites

Lining nests with material from discarded cigarettes may help keep out parasitic mites.
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December 4, 2012

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New Love: A Short Shelf Life

WHY, then, is the natural shift from passionate to companionate love often such a letdown?
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December 3, 2012

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Neuroscience Fiction

Are all these brain studies really telling us much as we think they are?
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December 3, 2012

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Study Shows How Intelligence In Humans First Evolved

The same genes that gave rise to higher mental function are also responsible for a number of brain disorders.
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June 29, 2020

The Third Way in the Internet Age with Tim O’Reilly

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June 22, 2020

Smart Cities and the Third Way with Dan O'Brien

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June 15, 2020

Libertarianism and the Third Way

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Science as a Moral System with Robert T. Pennock

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Economics, Public Policy, and the Third Way

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Socialism, Capitalism, and the Third Way of National Governance

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Pragmatism and the Third Way with Trygve Throntveit

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May 23, 2020

Evolving the Future of Corporations: A Conversation with Toby Shannan

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Tightening and Loosening Up for the Coronavirus Pandemic with Michele Gelfand

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There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.

- Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species (1859)
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Evolutionary Science in Joyce’s Ulysses

James Joyce developed a writing technique that mirrored advances in the evolutionary science of his day and these insights are present in his novel. To explore this link, we can begin by looking at the most direct references to evolution science. Amidst the range of references to cultural figures in Ulysses, Charles Darwin makes a number of appearances, most notably in the fourteenth chapter, Oxen of the Sun.

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